Apotheker:innen für die

On the way to licensure, we offer you opportunities to qualify and prepare yourself best for the pharmaceutical knowledge examination.

Apotheker:innen für die Zukunft

In line with the Regional Chamber of Pharmacists in Rhineland-Palatinate and MIP have jointly conceptualized the project “Apotheker:innen für die Zukunft” to enable pharmacists who have not graduated in Germany to pursue their profession here in the future. It is the first qualification of its kind in Germany.

Pharmacists who would like to practice their profession in Germany require a state recognition. In Rhineland-Palatinate, a successfully absolved language and pharmaceutical examination conducted in Mainz by the Regional Chamber of Pharmacists in Rhineland Palatinate are required. Pharmacists who would like to practice their profession in Germany require a state recognition. In Rhineland-Palatinate, a successfully absolved language and pharmaceutical examination conducted in Mainz by the Regional Chamber of Pharmacists in Rhineland Palatinate are required. 

Experience in recent years has shown that these hurdles cause many candidates to fail without targeted preparation. The underlying premise of the program is to integrate linguistic and technical learning and anchor it through practical work. Within a blended learning, the participants take part in a weekly online course led by a licensed pharmacist and also attend block seminars (so-called specialist weekdays) in the presence phase. At the same time, all participants should, if possible, work in a pharmacy in Rhineland-Palatinate. Our aim is to prepare you as effectively as possible for the knowledge examination. This should enable you to work as a licensed pharmacist, which will also benefit the healthcare system in Rhineland-Palatinate. The course is certified by the Regional Chamber of Pharmacists in Rhineland Palatinate and is accredited with continuing education points.

Since the start of the project in January 2017, more than 156 international pharmacists have completed the preparatory course for the pharmaceutical knowledge test. Many of them are already licenced and are now working in their profession in pharmacies in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Be the next person we accompany on your way to a licence to practise. For questions about the project and course enrolment, please use our contact form below:

Your course registration / your enquiry

First name *
Last name *
E-mail address *
Phone *
Street *
Postcode *
City *
Course fee *
Please note that without your consent, we will no longer be able to advise and support you with the aim of labour market integration.

The project is being carried out in co-operation with the Regional Chamber of Pharmacists in Rhineland-Palatinate.

National Integration Prize

The project “Apotheker:innen für die Zukunft” (“Pharmacists for the Future”), implemented by the State Chamber of Pharmacists of Rhineland-Palatinate and MIP – Medici in Posterum in the IQ Network Rhineland-Palatinate, received the National Integration Award from the Federal Chancellor in November 2019. The jury chose the project, which prepares international pharmacists for the knowledge test, because it is an “outstanding example of successful integration.” The six-month qualification is based on three pillars: 1. Integrated professional and language instruction, 2. Work in pharmacies, and 3. Individual support from a tutor. This prepares participants specifically for the exam required to obtain the German license to practice. For more information, refer to the press release from the Federal Government linked in the article.


Would you like to hire a pharmacist from abroad and have questions regarding the recognition procedure? MIP can inform you about the necessary steps and requirements for the attainment of the temporary working permit and the state recognition of foreign skilled workers. We can also inform you about our preparation classes for the medical knowledge examination. Please contact us: apotheke@mip.consulting

Current course dates

Project information

Do you have any questions about the preparation course for the pharmaceutical knowledge test?
We are happy to advise you.

Which professional group do I belong to?


  • Interior designer
  • Landscape architect
  • Urban planner

Humanities scholar

  • Historian
  • Musicologist
  • Art historian
  • Religious Studies
  • Cultural scientist
  • Communication scientist

Healthcare professions

  • Dietician
  • Occupational therapist
  • Health and paediatric nurse
  • Health and paediatric nurse
  • Healthcare and paediatric nurse assistant
  • Midwife / maternity nurse
  • Speech therapist
  • Masseur and medical bath attendant
  • Medical-technical laboratory assistant
  • Medical-technical radiology assistant
  • Medical-technical assistant for functional diagnostics
  • functional diagnostics
  • Emergency paramedic
  • Orthoptist
  • Pharmaceutical-technical assistant
  • Physiotherapist
  • Podiatrist
  • Emergency paramedic
  • Veterinary technical assistant


  • Hairdresser
  • Confectioner
  • Carpenter
  • Locksmith
  • Butcher
  • Tailor
  • Bricklayer
  • Cook
  • Painter and varnisher
  • Metal worker
  • Baker


  • Retail sales assistant
  • Office management assistant
  • Management assistant in wholesale and foreign trade
  • Bank clerk

Natural scientist

  • Mathematician
  • Chemist
  • Biologist
  • Agricultural scientist
  • Physicist
  • Forest scientist
  • Geoscientist


  • English studies
  • Romance Studies
  • German Studies
  • Literary scholar
  • Linguist


  • Food technician
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration technician
  • Construction technician


  • Business economist
  • Administrative economist
  • Statistician
  • Economist

Important notice

We would like to advice you that our consultation services regarding your recognition are only online available. We would therefore like to ask you to submit your consultation request exclusively via our contact form. Due to the very large number of daily inquiries, it could take some weeks for us to respond. We therefore ask kindly for your patience. Please refrain from phone call inquiries in particular. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards and stay healthy, your consulting team.